Steam shed update 17 June 2020

Its been quite some time since the last post! Here is the current status.

Due to the lock down there has been no activity in the shed since March. We have a recovery plan and work is underway to implement new procedures, protocols and PPE to ensure that when restrictions are eased we will be able to make progress all be it in a very regulated and controlled manner once restrictions are eased.

CR419 The locomotive is in full working order but winterised at this time.

No.1 Is winterised and the LH Big end is dismantled and ready for reassembly and the gauge frames are off and ready to be refitted. This was work in progress when we went into lock down.

No.19 The locomotive has had some repairs to the Trailing axle boxes which are all refitted. All the brake gear has been refurbished and refitted. The side rods are off and the leading and trailing brasses are renewed and ready to fit. The driving bushes were in the lathe at lock down! There is excessive wear on one of the knuckle pins which will need built up and machined to size. The boiler has been fully re-tubed with the ends expanded but still to be beaded over in the fire box end. The regulator stuffing box/ regulator handle stop has been replaced and is fitted with the stop on the handle still to be fettled to suit the new casting.

No.7 The boiler is out with the old foundation ring removed due to numerous cracks particularly at the corners. A new foundation ring is to be fitted and is in stock ready to fit. The damaged sections of the outer wrapper have been cut out and new sections welded in. These are now dressed and the fitting of the new foundation ring the next task. We have in stock all the necessary rivets and patch screws. The regulator has received an overhaul while the J pipe was out and is ready to refit. The boiler has been re-tubed and all ends are expanded with only the ends in the fire box to be beaded over. The severely wasted wear plates in the smoke box have been removed and replacements made ready to refit. It is planned that the smoke box door surround will also be replaced.  The locomotives bottom end is in good condition with no significant work anticipated before entering service.

WD554 The tender frames are new straight and true although a little more work on the front LH is required before we can start riveting up. The main frame stretchers have all been removed and cleaned up and refitted with new bolts. A new set of spring hangers have been made and will be delivered to site once restrictions are lifted. The next task is to build up and fettle the horn guide thrust faces. The axle boxes have been cleaned up and are ready for trial fitting. A mould/jig has been made for white metaling the brasses. New sections of inner frame have been cut to replace the sections that had been historically damaged, A significant milestone in the fund raising has been passed with the total raised now well over £200,000. A new online donation facility has been set up with Virgin Money Giving

No.246 Morayshire The overhaul contract with Llangollen Railway PLC was terminated unexpectedly by them and with only 2 weeks notice to have the locomotive evicted from the site.  In the mean time an appeal for funds to help finance the completion of the overhaul is about to be launched. A new page with details of the appeal and progress on the locomotive will be posted on the website

N0.6 Now due to the pandemic this loco will not be steamed this year which is the last year of it current 10 year ticket. A set of tubes has been purchased (by its caretakers) for the loco and it is hoped that the boiler can be removed, re-tubed and given a new ticket over the next couple of years.

No.20 The boiler is out and tubes removed and the motion and brake gear has been removed from the frames. It is not anticipated that any progress will be made on this loco for a couple of years.